Question 3:あなたは入門書を誰のために書いてるの?
Thank you for introducing your new book. It's clear that many developers here are very interested in it. You characterize your new approach as "depth-first", "concrete-first and "concept-based". To be frank, all those characters do not seem to be easy to understand. Would you give us some more details about them? Your "preface" says that you have a fundamental assumption. It's about "professionalism". In this context, your book is written for serious readers, as C++ was designed for the use of serious professional programmers. I know you have been repeating over the past several years that real-world applications should not be software toys. I also understand that expressing real-world ideas is a very serious task. Is your new book really an introductory version? Who are your ideal readers?
こうした点を承知の上でお尋ねします。あなたの書籍は実際に入門書と言えるものでしょうか? もしそうなら、理想とする読者像を教えてください。
Stroustrup氏の回答 1:C++初心者、3つのグループ
I think readers who will benefit most from my new book will be individuals from one of three groups:All three groups are novices, but novices in different ways. They all need a tutorial and it remains to be seen to which extent my book can serve all three. My priorities when writing the book was to focus on [1], but never forget [2] and [3]. My guess is that [1] will typically have a teacher to help them, whereas [2] and [3] will more often be self study.
- Someone who has never programmed before but is willing to work hard to get a good start with programming. Maybe such a person would like to become a programmer or find some other role in the software industry.
- Someone who have been taught programming but feel the need to write better code and wants to understand why some techniques leads to more correct and maintainable code than others. I feel that a lot of teaching in programming is very weak in its treatment of principles and their practical application, so my book fills a need.
- Someone who have programmed in a language that is not C++ and would like to become a good C++ programmer, rather than just carry over habits and techniques from another language. Different languages have different strengths and weaknesses and different styles are idiomatic in different languages(often for good reasons), so blindly carrying over habits (say from a scripting language to C++) is nowhere near optimal.
- プログラミング経験はまったくないが、プログラミング学習に真剣に取り組む決意をしている人。このような人は、将来プログラマになることを目指しているか、あるいは、このソフトウェア業界で他の何らかの職を得たいと考えているはずです。
- プログラミング教育を受けたことがあるが、より良質のコードを生産する必要性を自覚し「正確、かつ、保守性に優れた」コードを記述するために必要なテクニックを学びたいと考えている人。現在のプログラミング教育の多くは、「原理を教え、次に、それを現実へ応用する」という教育ニーズを満たしていないと思われます。私の書籍はこのニーズを満たしています。
- C++以外の言語でのプログラミング経験があり、心機一転C++プログラマを目指している人。個々のプログラミング言語は、短所と長所を併せ持っています。プログラミングスタイルの多くは、それぞれの言語の世界でイディオム化されています。しかし、ある言語における習慣というものを他の言語、例えば、スクリプト言語の習慣をC++に、無条件で持ち込むのは好ましいことではありません。これでは、新しい言語の持つ機能を最大限に活用できなくなります。