Stroustrup氏の回答 2:半人前だからコードを書けないわけではないし、すべてを理解したうえでコードを書き始める必要もない
What would be the ideal reader? Obviously, intelligence, patience, willingness to work hard, and a broad base of knowledge would help. Those are the attributes of a good student in any field. In most aspects programming is "just another high level skill," but importantly it belongs to the skills that require both understanding of fundamentals and practical application. Programming is not just theory and it is not just a bunch of simple techniques. I think of learning programming as similar to learning to play an instrument and to acquiring a new foreign language. In all cases, it is easy to learn the task badly and get stuck at a low level of competence. On the other hand, a judicious combination of principles and practice can set a person off on a long, pleasurable, and profitable path of ever-increasing mastery. A willingness to try new things and not to be dismayed when they don't all work out is also most important. Like other complex skills, you have to work along with incomplete skills for a long time. You cannot wait until you "know all" and then start to write code.