Good PHP Tutorialsにて、PHPとGDライブラリを使って棒チャートを作成する方法が紹介されています。グラフ作成ライブラリを使わず、GDのみで一から棒チャートを作る方法を、細かく分けて説明しています。
Good PHP Tutorialsにて、PHPとGDライブラリを使って棒チャートを作成する方法が紹介されています。グラフ作成ライブラリを使わず、GDのみで一から棒チャートを作る方法を、細かく分けて説明しています。
- phpファイルを準備する
- データの値をセットする
- キャンバス(グラフの枠)を描画
- グリッドと、軸のラベルを描画する
- 棒グラフを描画する
- チャートのラベルを描画する
- チャートを出力する
<?php //データをセットする $graphTitle = "Favorite Reptile"; $xLabel = "Reptile"; $yLabel = "Votes"; $data['Alligator'] = 12; $data['Crocodile'] = 15; $data['Iguana'] = 17; $data['Snake'] = 3; $data['Turtle'] = 25; $data['Lizard'] = 3; $data['Barney'] = 1; //getting the maximum and minimum values for Y $newData = $data; asort($newData); //minimum $places = strlen(current($newData)); $mod = pow(10, $places-1); $min = $mod - current($newData); //maximum $places = strlen(end($newData)); $mod = pow(10, $places-1); $max = $mod + end($newData); $yAxis = array("min"=>$min, "max"=> $max); //getting the maximum and minimum values for Y $newData = $data; asort($newData); //minimum $places = strlen(current($newData)); //string length of first element in array. so strlen(1) = 1; $mod = pow(10, $places-1); //raising that number minus 1 to the power of 10. so pow(10, 0) = 1; $min = $mod - current($newData); //subtracting that from the minimum. so 1 - 1 = 0; <-your y-axis minimum //maximum $places = strlen(end($newData)); //strlen(25) = 2; $mod = pow(10, $places-1); //pow(10, 1) = 10; $max = $mod + end($newData); //10 + 25 = 35; <-- your new y-axis maximum //storing those min and max values into an array $yAxis = array("min"=>$min, "max"=> $max); //------------------------------------------------ // キャンバス(グラフのシート)を描画する //------------------------------------------------ //setting the image dimensions $canvasWidth = 500; $canvasHeight = 300; $perimeter = 50; //creating the canvas $canvas = imagecreatetruecolor($canvasWidth, $canvasHeight); //allocating the colors $white = imagecolorallocate($canvas, 255, 255, 255); $black = imagecolorallocate($canvas, 0,0,0); $yellow = imagecolorallocate($canvas, 248, 255, 190); $blue = imagecolorallocate($canvas, 3,12,94); $grey = imagecolorallocate($canvas, 102, 102, 102); $lightGrey = imagecolorallocate($canvas, 216, 216, 216); //getting the size of the fonts $fontwidth = imagefontwidth(2); $fontheight = imagefontheight(2); //filling the canvas with light grey imagefill($canvas, 0,0, $lightGrey); //------------------------------------------------ // グリッドを描画する //------------------------------------------------ //getting the size of the grid $gridWidth = $canvasWidth - ($perimeter*2); $gridHeight = $canvasHeight - ($perimeter*2); //getting the grid plane coordinates $c1 = array("x"=>$perimeter, "y"=>$perimeter); $c2 = array("x"=>$gridWidth+$perimeter, "y"=>$perimeter); $c3 = array("x"=>$gridWidth+$perimeter, "y"=>$gridHeight+$perimeter); $c4 = array("x"=>$perimeter, "y"=>$gridHeight+$perimeter); //------------------------------------------------ // 背景を作成する //------------------------------------------------ imagefilledrectangle($canvas, $c1['x'], $c1['y'], $c3['x'], $c3['y'], $white); //finding the size of the grid squares $sqW = $gridWidth/count($data); $sqH = $gridHeight/$yAxis['max']; //------------------------------------------------ //垂直線と軸の値を描画する //------------------------------------------------ $verticalPadding = $sqW/2; foreach($data as $assoc=>$value) { //drawing the line imageline($canvas, $verticalPadding+$c4['x']+$increment, $c4['y'], $verticalPadding+$c1['x']+$increment, $c1['y'], $black); //axis values $wordWidth = strlen($assoc)*$fontwidth; $xPos = $c4['x']+$increment+$verticalPadding-($wordWidth/2); ImageString($canvas, 2, $xPos, $c4['y'], $assoc, $black); $increment += $sqW; } //------------------------------------------------ //水平線と値を表示する //------------------------------------------------ //resetting the increment back to 0 $increment = 0; for($i=$yAxis['min']; $i<$yAxis['max']; $i++) { //main lines //often the y-values can be in the thousands, //if this is the case then we don't want to draw every single //line so we need to make sure that a line is // only drawn every 50 or 100 units. if($i%$mod==0){ //drawing the line imageline($canvas, $c4['x'], $c4['y']+$increment, $c3['x'], $c3['y']+$increment, $black); //axis values $xPos = $c1['x']-($fontwidth*strlen($i))-5; ImageString($canvas, 2, $xPos, $c4['y']+$increment- ($fontheight/2), $i, $black); } //tics //these are the smaller lines between the longer, main lines. elseif(($mod/5)>1 && $i%($mod/5)==0) { imageline($canvas, $c4['x'], $c4['y']+$increment, $c4['x']+10, $c4['y']+$increment, $grey); } //because these lines begin at the bottom we want to subtract $increment-=$sqH; } //getting the size of the grid $gridWidth = $canvasWidth - ($perimeter*2); $gridHeight = $canvasHeight - ($perimeter*2); //getting the grid plane coordinates $c1 = array("x"=>$perimeter, "y"=>$perimeter); $c2 = array("x"=>$gridWidth+$perimeter, "y"=>$perimeter); $c3 = array("x"=>$gridWidth+$perimeter, "y"=>$gridHeight+$perimeter); $c4 = array("x"=>$perimeter, "y"=>$gridHeight+$perimeter); imagefilledrectangle($canvas, $c1['x'], $c1['y'], $c3['x'], $c3['y'], $white); //finding the size of the grid squares $sqW = $gridWidth/count($data); $sqH = $gridHeight/$yAxis['max']; //------------------------------------------------ // 垂直線と軸のラベルを描画する //------------------------------------------------ $verticalPadding = $sqW/2; foreach($data as $assoc=>$value) { //drawing the line imageline($canvas, $verticalPadding+$c4['x']+$increment, $c4['y'], $verticalPadding+$c1['x']+$increment, $c1['y'], $black); //axis labels $wordWidth = strlen($assoc)*$fontwidth; $xPos = $c4['x']+$increment+$verticalPadding-($wordWidth/2); ImageString($canvas, 2, $xPos, $c4['y'], $assoc, $black); $increment += $sqW; } $verticalPadding = $sqW/2; //drawing the line imageline($canvas, $verticalPadding+$c4['x']+$increment, $c4['y'], $verticalPadding+$c1['x']+$increment, $c1['y'], $black); //axis labels $wordWidth = strlen($assoc)*$fontwidth; //getting the width of the word $xPos = $c4['x']+$increment+$verticalPadding-($wordWidth/2); //dividing that by 2 to center the word ImageString($canvas, 2, $xPos, $c4['y'], $assoc, $black); //outputting the word on canvas //------------------------------------------------ // 水平線と軸のラベルを描画する //------------------------------------------------ //resetting the increment back to 0 $increment = 0; for($i=$yAxis['min']; $i<$yAxis['max']; $i++) { //main lines //often the y-values can be in the thousands, //if this is the case then we don't want to draw every single //line so we need to make sure that a line is //only drawn every 50 or 100 units. if($i%$mod==0){ //drawing the line imageline($canvas, $c4['x'], $c4['y']+$increment, $c3['x'], $c3['y']+$increment, $black); //axis values $xPos = $c1['x']-($fontwidth*strlen($i))-5; ImageString($canvas, 2, $xPos, $c4['y']+$increment- ($fontheight/2), $i, $black); } //tics //these are the smaller lines between the longer, main lines. elseif(($mod/5)>1 && $i%($mod/5)==0) { imageline($canvas, $c4['x'], $c4['y']+$increment, $c4['x']+10, $c4['y']+$increment, $grey); } //because these lines begin at the bottom we want to subtract $increment-=$sqH; } //------------------------------------------------ // 棒グラフを作成する //------------------------------------------------ $increment = 0; //resetting the increment value $barWidth = $sqW*.2; //setting a width size for the bars, play with this number foreach($data as $assoc=>$value) { $yPos = $c4['y']-($value*$sqH); $xPos = $c4['x']+$increment+$verticalPadding-($barWidth/2); imagefilledrectangle($canvas, $xPos, $c4['y'], $xPos+$barWidth, $yPos, $blue); $increment += $sqW; } //Graph Title ImageString($canvas, 2, ($canvasWidth/2)- (strlen($graphTitle)*$fontwidth)/2, $c1['y']-($perimeter/2), $graphTitle, $green); //X-Axis ImageString($canvas, 2, ($canvasWidth/2)-(strlen($xLabel)*$fontwidth)/2, $c4['y']+($perimeter/2), $xLabel, $green); //Y-Axis ImageStringUp($canvas, 2, $c1['x']-$fontheight*3, $canvasHeight/2+(strlen($yLabel)*$fontwidth)/2, $yLabel, $green); header("content-type: image/jpg"); imagejpeg($canvas); imagedestroy($canvas); ?>
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